Quality doesn't cost....it pays!

Safety Boots
2018 Flaxen Chestnut ASB mare
My personal riding mare because I'm over 50 and my dare devil days are done!! Her name says it all. She's as safe as they come. Fully race fit with racing plates on and we leave home walking off on a loose rein all over town not a care in the world even though she hadn't been exposed to any of this before. I think someone forgot to tell her she was a Thoroughbred. She got the clydesdale memo instead! At 16.3hh and with a dopey clydesdale look too! After not being ridden for 18 months a child got her out of the paddock, saddled her up and off down the road they road for several kilometres. Their only issue to report was she wasn't fast enough!! She will produce the most outstanding Thoroughbred crosses with a cool calm brain. Her first foal is just like her - better than the old geldings for bravery and obliging in anything you ask. Her foals will be valued for trainability and enjoyment but not first past the post! A great cross with our non TB stallions in the coming years for true childrens hacks. Watch this space!The attached is more infomation on Safety Boots.

Please fill in the application form to nominate your mare this coming season.
Feel Free to call Peta on 0411 826 965 to discuss our great rates!.

Australian Studbook

Arabian Horse Society (AHSA)

Australian Pony Stud Book /
Riding Pony / Welsh Pony

Australian Stock Horse Society